All You need to know about AWA

AWA - Analytical Writing Assessment

AWA assesses your skills of critical thinking and logical reasoning. The main task is to analyze the text fragment in terms of its coherence and to criticize it.

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Analytical Writing Assessment

Example: Kate is a 3rd-year student. So far, she has received only excellent marks. Therefore, Kate will obviously get a diploma with honors.

The task of a test taker is to define the "logical weaknesses" in the author's reasoning and to describe them in the main body of his essay. In this case, the following errors are obvious:

  • The author assumes that the only criterion for obtaining a diploma with honors is the marks received by the student; This, in turn, is not determined by the argument;
  • Kate is in her third year, which means that the author does not take into account the possible decline in Kate’s performance in the future.

Thus, additional information must be supplied by the author to validate his argument.


  • The number of words is not restricted;
  • Spelling bears little importance;
  • The list of possible cases can be found on the Internet;
  • AWA does not count upon your final GMAT score;
  • AWA is assessed in 2 stages.

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